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Zero-waste 101
Craft Naturals
As we begin to feel the impacts of climate change more as time goes on, it’s time for us to make some changes. The idea of solving climate change may seem like an impossible feat and as an individual, you may feel frustrated and small as if there is nothing you can do to help. But adopting a zero-waste lifestyle is a simple and effective way for everyday people to contribute to a healthier planet and reduce their impact.
What is Zero-Waste?
Zero waste is a movement to live a more eco-friendly life. The goal is to reduce the consumption of single-use materials and focusing on the use of more sustainable products that can be dismantled, repaired or recycled. It’s an effort to reduce the amount of unnecessary manufacturing and waste that is sent to toxic landfills.
Living a Zero Waste Lifestyle
There are so many things that you can do to lead a zero-waste lifestyle. Here are just a few simple techniques:
- Avoid plastic packaging - stick to glass and aluminum packaging that can be reused and recycled easily
- Ditch disposable paper products - try using cloth napkins instead of paper towels and paper napkins
- Compost - Setting up an at-home compost bin or disposing compost at a municipal facility will greatly reduce the amount of waste in your household
- Recycle - Recycle everything that you can according to your municipal recycling rules
- Use reusable shopping bags - Be sure to keep reusable shopping bags with you at all times. You never know when you need to stop at the store and avoiding the use of plastic bags is a must
- Reduce food waste - Avoid buying too much when grocery shopping and try techniques such as freezing and canning if you find yourself with extra food
Adjusting to a Zero Waste Life
Be patient! It will take time to steer away from old habits and adjust to your new lifestyle. Just keep in mind, that what you are doing is worth it. Living a zero-waste life is your way of contributing to a better and healthier planet.
Living zero waste outside of your home may seem like a challenge at first so it’s essential to be prepared and organized. Investing in reusable items such as metal straws, travel cutlery, and a reusable water bottle will help you cut down on your use of single-use plastics and maintain your new lifestyle when on the go.
Become a “Zero-waste Hero” by educating your friends and family on ways that they can live a more sustainable life. Show them techniques and strategies that you have adopted into your life that may be easy for them to incorporate in theirs.
Living zero waste is an easy and practical way to reduce your impact on the planet. It may seem like a challenge at first but with a little practice and perseverance, it will become second nature in no time. CTA for Craft Naturals...
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